Defining Assets

Total: ~17 min

Step through the relevant parts of an asset configuration, including what to think about when designing and how to organize it to be most effective.

Creating Equipment

Step-by-step instructions for how to create an asset, and the relevant properties that you will need to understand in order to get the most out of the asset.

Creating an Equipment Property

Once you have created an asset, it is frequently useful to add properties and data sources that are linked to that asset. Equipment Properties allow you to bind any static metadata or dynamic data source to be associated with that asset.

Data Connectivity to Equipment Properties

Using the Data Browser to map a dynamic point such as OPC UA, SNMP, BACnet, Web Services to an equipment property so that it is directly accessible as part the digital twin of the equipment. Also, how to use self-referential properties to improve your asset-based design.

Configuring Data Logging in Asset Properties

Assets support direct configuration of historical data tags to streamline configuration of projects that leverage both assets and the ICONICS plant data historian.