We are pleased to announce ICONICS is now taking registrations for the version 10.96 Beta Program. To register for the beta program and try out our newest features, visit
https://iconics.com/beta. We will review your request and then, once approved, you should receive your first beta a few days after registering. For questions, email
Key New Beta 1 Features:
- IoTWorX installation for multiple operating systems
- GraphWorX64 parallel projection, custom snap points
- GraphWorX64 improved 3D performance on desktop
- GraphWorX64 enhanced HTML5 editing features
- Many TrendWorX64 Viewer enhancements, such as new chart types, time shift pens, and striped background colors
- Security Indicator control
- Weighted average in Heatmap control
- AssetWorX Navigator can now display microcharts
- Execute commands in batches, with success/fail logic
- More unified configuration - configure Hyper Historian tags from AssetWorX
- Hyper Historian data archiver for cloud storage
- Voice Machine Interface (such as Alexa, Cortana, and Google)
- …and more!