Benefits of the System
ICONICS GENESIS64 was installed to meet several of Brézillon’s requirements, including the ability to handle over 4,000 data points (including SAIA controls), integration with BACnet, Modbus and OPC communication infrastructures, and compatibility with Microsoft Windows®. The ICONICS software adheres to the consortium’s environmental goals, provides diagnostics and support, and helps maintain comfortable conditions for occupants. Brézillon has found the software to be a user friendly, intuitive, open, scalable and comprehensive building automation management tool.
The customized graphical development through GENESIS64 allows non-technical users to be able to easily control their workspace environment. A panel-based PC at each office entrance allows occupants to control the temperature. With one click, a user can display current temperatures and can regulate any setpoints. In line with the company’s energy awareness initiatives, the system can also show which windows are open to help users decide whether additional air conditioning is needed. In addition, any supervisor-level changes are automatically reflected on the panel PCs.
Brézillon, CR System and BETHIC selected ICONICS for its ability to provide a Thin Client that was flexible in its integration with other building management system variables. The construction company received a user friendly, intuitive solution with high quality graphic user interface controls. Development with GENESIS64 was considered “strictly tailored to the customer needs”.