Course Overview

GENESIS64 Introduction

Course Description

The GENESIS64 Introduction course is a 3-day course designed to provide students with fundamental knowledge of the standard HMI/SCADA development and maintenance of an ICONICS GENESIS64 system. This course will include core topics for SCADA systems from project configuration to data acquisition, security configuration, visualization, and alarm generation. The instructor(s) will help students become familiarized with the configuration environments as well as provide key insight on how to use the various tools in real project applications. Valuable hands-on lab exercises guide students through building and modifying the HMI/SCADA platform.

Both GENESIS64 Introduction and Extended (5-day) cover the fundamental topics of the GENESIS64 systems. We recommend choosing only one of the two courses to attend, as either one will be sufficient for the purpose of technical training.

Who should attend this class?

  • Professionals who need to become productive GENESIS64 developers.
  • Professionals who wish to work on the cutting edge through the implementation of the ISA 95 compliant AssetWorX technology, web-based Dashboards and the blistering fast, high availability Hyper Historian logger. 

Register for a Class


  • 3 Days
  • 8 hours/day
  • Online, Instructor-led


Call 1-508-543-8600 or email us at

Course Objectives

Learn fundamental knowledge of the standard HMI/SCADA development and maintenance of an GENESIS64 system:

  • Connect with data sources such as OPC Classic, OPC UA, and more
  • Configure GraphWorX64 graphical user interface development and runtime
    • Visualizing and manipulating data
    • Viewing and acknowledging alarms
    • Viewing real-time and historical trends
  • Organize your Plants, Buildings, and Processes into an asset-based hierarchy with AssetWorX
  • Deploy Global Aliasing to reduce development time
  • Use Hyper Historian to log data in a designated location
  • Configure AlarmWorX64 Server to track data states and create records of all alarm events in a log file
  • Secure your system by controlling access

Related Videos

Interested in getting started on learning course material? Check out our free ICONICS Institute videos to get you on your way towards mastering the ICONICS software suite.

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