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Total: ~9 min
Web browser deployment, or WebHMI, relies upon the graphics of a dashboard being loaded directly into your web browser of choice. This offers a thin-client approach which is secure yet easy to deploy and update.
GENESIS64 allows you to view displays over the intranet or internet in Internet Explorer. In order to take advantage of this capability, you will need to publish your displays. This document will walk you through the necessary steps to set up your machine to publish your displays using WPF.
HTML5 is used to deploy to web browsers, and the deployment is the standard for most applications due to most customer requirement to support Chrome, Safari, and Microsoft Edge browsers. This makes it easier to edit displays for HTML5 clients.
This video covers information on how to configure a web server's Internet Information Services (IIS) settings so that the clients will be connected to and receive updates from the server for WebHMI.